Damn, it’s been a long time since I’ve blogged. My time spent on the computer has probably gone down considerably in the last month and a half. Things have been exciting. Prepare for a long post…
My last blog post was immediately after April 15th, AKA Black Friday. Online poker, to me at least, had been destroyed in the United States. I decided I wouldn’t play any poker on any other online websites. I thought and still do think that it is too risky. I’ve stayed busy other ways, mostly with doing DeepStacks work.
I started off by teaching a camp in Traverse City, Michigan at Turtle Creek Casino. That casino was new/very nice although we were in the middle of nowhere. It was still a cool town and the camp was a success. We also had a DeepStacks Poker Tour event there too which one of our Pros, Adam “Roothlus” Levy won. Congrats. I played the tournament and some cash games there. I also ate the most incredible, delicious pizza ever.
Traverse City is apparently the cherry capital of the world. The pizza is a cherry chicken pizza from Mancino’s. The crust is made of different nuts, it has 5 different cheeses, and a ton of cherries and chicken with a ranch base. I couldn’t believe how good it was. It’s come close to winning an award for best pizza in the world. Here’s a picture of Grinder holding the box.
After Michigan I was able to go back home for a few days before I had to hit the road again. I found time to do some private coaching a few times before I had to leave again for a 2 1/2 week trip. I started off by flying into Buffalo and teaching/running a 100+ person DeepStacks camp at the Seneca Niagara Casino in Niagara Falls, NY. It was a great turnout. We also were running a DeepStacks Poker Tour series with a $1500 main event. I played in that and the cash games as well. It was a good time. The staff and people who run the poker room there are awesome. Thank you for everything guys.
Online cash game legend Tim0thee came and picked me up from the casino and we drove back to his place right outside of Toronto. I stayed with him for 4-5 days in between my two camps (I had to go to California after Canada.) We went out in Toronto with some of our other friends Brad and Bubba.
They showed me around Toronto it was a good time. We watched one of the NBA Playoff games at a great sports bar right across from the Rogers Centre. It was cool to explore the city a little bit. I wish I could of gotten to do more there. I watched Tim0 play a bunch of cash online and we got to hang out and do a couple other things. I could see Toronto being a destination to live so I could play online poker again.
Next thing I knew I was done with customs and on to my next destination… Turlock, California. I actually liked Turlock. It was a cool little city. I got to drive part of the way from LA to Turlock. It was interesting to drive through California and see different sections of it. That camp/tournament was also very fun, rewarding, and smooth. Their poker room was great and very professional. Everyone was helpful and friendly, I had a blast but was also rushing to get back home for Mother’s Day.
I booked a 6am flight so I could make the cross country trek in time to see my family and mom for the holiday. I finally made it to Florida late afternoon/early night. My sister, her husband, and my nephew all came to pick me up. It was nice to see them; I missed them. I got to my parents house in time for dinner and surprised my mom. I had a little while before I was off to the WSOP. My time consisted of rehabbing my knee, getting to go to a couple Heat playoff games, and private coaching.
Just a few days ago I designed and ordered my custom poker table from Off Tilt Poker Tables. It’s going to be a sick table. I had some artwork done which will be put on the custom felt. I’m looking forward to getting the table in a few weeks. Once I get back from the WSOP I will post pictures of it. I’ve seen a few pics already, it’s looking good. Thanks Bryan. If anyone wants a table make sure to check out the website, there are a few deals and the owner is really helpful in the building process/anything else.
A couple days ago PokerListings did an article on Top 5 Breakout Players for the 2011 WSOP. I happened to be one of the 5 they picked. Here’s the link… PokerListings.com Pretty cool. I’m hoping I can live up to the expectations, but it is tournament poker. I can only do my best. With that said I still feel really confident and experienced this year. It’s my 6th trip to the WSOP… I should have some things figured out by now.
I’ve played one WSOP event so far, the $5k NLH. I busted pretty early in the day. Ran into a couple tough spots early and nothing ever went my way. It happens sometimes. Yesterday I played the $560 Venetian tournament but couldn’t win a couple flips deep. Tomorrow I am registered for the WSOP $1k NLH. I’m looking forward to it. I love these small buy in, big field tournaments. If you can survive the beginning of them there is always hope haha.
There’s more I could say but it is getting late and I need to head to bed. Hopefully I didn’t leave out any important details from the recent weeks lol. I will be updating the blog more frequently now. I’m still getting settled into the house I am staying at. Give me a few more days and I should be perfect. I have a few other interesting and important things to talk about but they will have to wait. Goodnight.
Almost forgot… I was interviewed by PokerNews a couple months ago and I forgot to post the article. It’s a cool little interview about bet sizing. Check it out. Bet Sizing With Tristan “Cre8ive” Wade.