I am doing a contest. I need some artwork done. It doesn’t really matter the size of the artwork. I guess somewhat good resolution is good but not too small. Basically here’s what I want. I need a “Cre8ive” logo made. I want the C capitalized and all other letters/the 8 used in some way. Be CREATIVE/use your imagination/make it interesting and exciting but don’t go too overboard because it still has to be visually easy on the eyes. It doesn’t have to be just “Cre8ive” across .. as long as it is easy to read “Cre8ive” then anything is possible. Like I said, have fun with it, make it cool. I will pick a winner and the one I like best will receive $50 on FTP.
I would just focus on making a LOGO. Remember it doesn’t need background art, it’s just a LOGO. So make sure you follow LOGO standards when submitting your artwork/doing your artwork.
Some examples of some Logos.. I’m sure you graphics/art people will have a better idea of what is supposed to be done than me so I will leave it up to you. Just make it interesting and be creative. That is the whole point of the name, creativity. I will probably post all the submissions on my blog as well. I think having everyone judge them would take too long so I am just going to pick the one I like the best. If there are a couple really nice ones maybe I will give out some other prizes or something but as of now there is just one winner. Contest will be over Thursday at midnight EST. Not sure what else to say about that, so if anyone has any other questions let me know.
Submit your artwork to my email Cre8iveCoach ~-AT-~ Gmail ~-DOT-~ com.
1) Logo
2) Reasonable size/not too small
3) Submit to my email
4) Capitalize the C and use the rest of the letters/number in “Cre8ive”
5) Contest ends Thursday at midnight EST.
6) Be Cre8ive!!!!
Other than that.. let’s see. I have been grinding a little online poker. Have been close to a couple nice scores. I made a final table on Tuesday in the $162 on Stars and got 5th. Played pretty well in that and just lost a monster coin flip for a big chip lead at the final table. Tomorrow I am going to play the $1k at the Hard Rock. It’s always fun playing a nice live tournament so I am looking forward to that. I will probably be grinding a little more online this coming week. I didn’t go as hard as I could have this week so I expect I will step it up this week!
That’s it for now. I wanted to throw this blog up for the weekend so if anyone has some free time and wants to earn $50 for an hour of work or something they have the opportunity. I will do a tournament summary from the Hard Rock if it goes well and I will also post soon when I can do a group free coaching session on some Super Turbo Strategy like I promised a couple months ago. I should be able to get to that this week. Goodnight.