It’s been a while since I updated everyone. I still am not finished with my project yet to reveal what I have been working on. Soon I will be able to let everyone know what the “BIG NEWS” is. I beat thedonator in the October PLB bet. He made a run in the end but I had to put the nail in the coffin towards the end of the month. I didn’t play as much as I should have the whole month so I am planning on changing that in the month of November. I am going to play a lot this month, like I stated before.
My Halloween was pretty uneventful as well. I went out with some friends and my girlfriend to a club in Delray Beach on Atlantic Avenue. There were a bunch of people dressed up in costumes getting drunk and having a good time. I didn’t partake in the costume festivities this year. I have had some great costumes in the past though.
This costume was from my Sophomore year in college. I took a costume made for 8-12 year olds and tailored it to my fitting. Lol. Here’s what its supposed to look like:
Haha. Pretty funny costume I thought. I had fun with it. I had so much fun with the costume that I decided to do the same thing the next year.
I had to buy some girl’s velvet material like pants from Walmart that were green to match and then I wore one of my dark green button up shirts to make the costume complete. Hahaha. Its supposed to look more like this:
This costume takes the cake. I feel like Tom Hanks in the movie BIG when he goes from a child to an adult. Except I transformed while I was wearing the costumes on Halloween! Too bad none of my friends were into wearing costumes this year or I would of had to try and top my last costume from two years ago (above.)
I just busted from all my tournaments tonight (bubbled like three big nightly’s.) I think I am about to go to the gym and workout a little bit and then get ready to play some more tomorrow. Hopefully I can share my big news soon with everyone. I want everyone to be as excited about it as I am, so I guess its not bad to have a little hype and delay to the announcement. Don’t let the suspense kill you! Goodnight.