It’s about 3:30am. I’m pretty tired. My body is drained. My back is sore and my legs are stiff. Who knew playing poker could be so tough? Sitting down for so long takes it toll and I have to remember to get up every now and then, stretch, and get my blood pumping. If you’re wondering why I’m exhausted it is because I played Day 2 of the World Series of Poker Main Event today. I survived and will play Day 3 on Monday.
I started the day with one of the bigger stacks in the room, 121k. Things didn’t go my way early. A couple hours into the day I was down to 55k. I managed to grind back and finish the day strong with 151k. The average stack is probably ~90k. There are still a lot of players left in the field. We merge all of the starting days on Monday and come together for the start of Day 3. I’m glad I survived the first two days, but come Monday there is a week long grind of poker ahead of me. There won’t be anymore days off in between playing. I have to be physically and mentally prepared for what is about to take place.
I’ve gotten deep in the Main Event before. A couple years ago I finished 163rd out of 6400 players. I think I busted halfway through Day 5. I wasn’t ready then. I might not be ready now. I feel like I’m ready at this point, but only time will tell. Every year I improve dramatically, so I’m sure down the road I will reflect and say “I wasn’t as good back then as I am now.” With that said… I like where I’m at right now. I will just leave it at that.
My table had a lot of tough players at it today. Hopefully my table draw for Day 3 will be softer. I’m going to have to hold back on talking about hands that took place. I might play with some of the same players later in the tournament and I don’t want to give away too much information. There have definitely been some insane pots so far.
On a side note.. Lebron is going to the HEAT! I’m super happy about this. I have been a Heat fan since I was a kid. I’ve lived in South Florida my whole life. I used to go to the Heat games all the time with my dad when I was younger, so I’m going to have to repay the favor and get some tickets this year. I tried to get season tickets but it appears they might have sold out. Hopefully I can make it to some of the games. I think South Florida/Miami is just going to be ridiculous now. Poker is legalized, Lebron James plays for the Heat, South Beach, great weather, it is just shaping up real nice down there. I’m happy to be in Vegas but I’m excited to head back to Florida and get the ball rolling there.
Tomorrow I’m going to relax. I will probably play basketball, workout, run some errands, and maybe get a massage or something. It’s nice having days off from a tournament but I’ve become spoiled. It will be a grueling tournament if I survive from Monday to Saturday, but I hope that’s a struggle I have a chance to go through. If you want to follow my progress check out my twitter page (twitter.com/TristanCre8ive) Goodnight.