Live From Oklahoma…

Posted By on May 23, 2010

Hello world. I’m in the middle of nowhere, which happens to be in the middle of the United States. The location is Quapaw Oklahoma at the DownStream casino. I got here Friday night for a Deepstacks one day camp. I flew into Tulsa and then I had about an hour and a half drive to the casino here. It’s a pretty nice casino and I have enjoyed the trip so far.

On Friday night I ate dinner at the casino’s Steakhouse. It was absolutely incredible. The chef is a 6’2 380lb beast and he knows exactly what he is doing. There was about ten of us at the dinner including Mike Matusow, a couple of people from DeepStacks, a few people who run the casino and some regular poker players here. It was an excellent dinner and a great time. After that Mike, Chris (DeepStacks CEO), and I went and played some 5/10 Holdem/PLO. It was a great game and I had a lot of fun.

Today I taught with Mike for a couple hours. It was a one day course so it wasn’t too time consuming. I then relaxed for about an hour and ate at the Steakhouse again. Yes, it is that good. After another delicious dinner I played some 5/10 Holdem/PLO and here I am now. It’s pretty late. It’s almost 5 in the morning. It’s the first time I’ve been on the Internet since Thursday night so I have been wrapped up in things for the last couple of hours.

Tomorrow I am going to Vegas. I’m really excited. I’m expecting something great from myself this WSOP. I’m going to do my best and hopefully things will work out. If I play my best at all times I won’t care about my results. With that said, If I am playing my best at all times I can’t imagine not doing well. I will be staying in a house with a couple of my Canadian poker playing friends (Tim0thee, Smerks and some guys they know.) I will have a couple days to relax, get settled into Vegas and prepare for the next couple of weeks. I should be blogging and twittering frequently.

A couple days ago I did the free coaching session I had talked about earlier in the year. Sorry for those who didn’t get to check it out. I did it on UStream and probably had about 20-30 viewers. I reviewed a hand history of mine and talked about Super Turbo Tournament strategy. I think everyone enjoyed it and it was pretty simple. Coin flip, shove, fold… not rocket science, but still informative. I will probably do some more UStream things in the future but I am not sure exactly how much “coaching” or giving away free knowledge I will do. Probably not much, but I can figure out something that will be fun.

I also Made bluffmagazine’s top tweet list three weeks in a row! My best poker accomplishment yet. BLUFF’s Poker Tweets of The Week. Maybe I am mildly entertaining, I am not sure lol. I gotta head to bed. I’ll get back in the rhythm of blogging soon. Goodnight.
