Sorry for the lack of updates. Time just flies when you’re playing tournaments all day. I haven’t spent much time on the computer either, which has been typical this summer. Since my last blog I have played a couple more tournaments with no cashes. I went deep in a few but nothing exciting happened.
I played Day 1B of the $10k World Series of Poker Main Event yesterday. I finished with 121k in chips. I am 20th in chips for all Day 1B players. When all the Day 1’s are finished I imagine I will be in the top 100-150 in chips. It doesn’t mean anything at this point, but it is a good start. I had a good starting table. I didn’t recognize anyone and most of the players seemed like they were amateur players. We were missing a player in the 6 seat. I was sitting in the 7 seat. The ESPN cameras were circulating around all table for the first two levels. We were then notified that someone special was coming to sit next to me. Along came…….. Phil Laak.
Phil sat and we chatted it up through the day. He’s a nice guy. Definitely unique to say the least. He’s really smart and fun to talk with though. He gets you thinking, that’s for sure. I played one enormous pot against Phil where we got it in my 99 vs his 45cc on a 9d45d board for 118k pot at 200/400/50a. He actually predicted the 5c being a bad card for him hours before lol. Crazy.
Another insane pot I played was at the 100/200 level. I don’t want to give too many details about the hand, but it was three way action on the flop of JcJsTc and I had KcQd. Me and another player were heads up to the turn, which was the 6h. The river was the Qh and I had to call all in on the river. I tank called and my opponent showed 99 and I won the pot and doubled to 58k. I’ll talk more about it after the tournament.
Overall my table was good but there were some tricky opponents and I had to switch gears a couple of times. Luckily a couple things went my way and I am where I’m at. I have a couple days off and don’t play again until Saturday. I’m just going to relax and hang out. I will probably play basketball a couple times and hang out with friends. The Main Event is a long grind and I am prepared for another deep run. I’m pretty happy with how I’ve been playing. I’ve had a good summer overall, poker included, and I’m going to do my best to get deep in the main. Only time will tell.
ESPN took a lot of footage of our table. Phil Laak was involved in some pretty big pots, including the one with me. A couple of people have asked me why I’ve never been on TV or “Are you going to be on TV?” Maybe I will make an appearance if they air the footage. That is the last of my concerns but just something interesting to bring up about my day yesterday. I just want to do my best and have a shot to win. If I have anything else to blog about before I play Day 2 I will. Until then… wish me luck.
Here’s a picture from yesterday towards the end of the day.